High End Resources!

Consulting Services

Actual Intelligence Vs Artificial Inteligence

In the consulting business, actual intelligence—rooted in human experience, intuition, and empathy—offers a depth of understanding that artificial intelligence (AI) cannot match. While AI excels at processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns with precision, it often lacks the ability to grasp the subtleties of human emotions, organizational culture, and the nuanced dynamics of client relationships. Human consultants bring a wealth of personal experience and emotional insight, allowing them to interpret data in context, foresee potential impacts, and offer tailored solutions that resonate on a deeper level. This ability to connect with clients on a personal and emotional plane often leads to more effective and impactful strategies than those driven solely by algorithms.

Moreover, actual intelligence enables consultants to navigate complex and unpredictable scenarios where data alone might fall short. Human consultants can read between the lines, understand underlying motivations, and adapt strategies in real-time based on evolving situations and feedback. This flexibility and adaptability are crucial in consulting, where the ability to respond to unforeseen challenges and align with a client’s unique needs can make all the difference. While AI provides valuable support, it is the human touch that infuses consulting with creativity, empathy, and a personalized approach, ultimately leading to more meaningful and successful client outcomes.

In the heart of global business, amidst the blend of technology and human touch, Global Equity Angels stands as a testament to the enduring value of actual intelligence over artificial intelligence in the consulting business.

“Technology is a powerful tool, but it needs to be complemented by human insight. Our clients come to us not just for data but for understanding and wisdom. That’s something that no AI can replicate.”

AI is incredible at processing data and predicting trends, but it’s our human touch, our ability to understand and empathize, that makes the real difference.”

We offer a range of different Consulting services to assist clients to plan and execute the best strategies to help them safely and effectively achieve their long-term goals.

Our Executive Team Members have broad and deep expertise in finance, asset planning, international banking, business and carefully structuring individuals and commercial wealth globally. We do not profess to know all the solutions but we certainly can give you more keys to more doors than most. We have managed the money of the mega wealthy, unlocked doors for them and helped them multiply their asset positions dramatically which gives us expertise few others possess.

Make the right business moves with Global Equity Angels

Our role is to ensure that everything we do is in line with our business’ DNA and that as we grow and scale we ensure that the ‘non-negotiables’ on which the company was founded are adhered to. It’s not easy, particularly as over the last few years we have grown quickly, but it is one of the most important parts of the job – to ensure we remain true to ourselves and to why we exist.

Why Global Equity Angels?

The DNA of any business is the beliefs, philosophies, and principles that drive business. Every business has a distinctive DNA, the internal genetic code that governs the business and how it functions; its culture, its values, the way it works, its guiding principles, and its reason for being. At its core, it is WHY a business exists.

The DNA of a business impacts the relationships we develop with our customers, partners, and shareholders; as well as having a significant impact on our employee’s experience.

DNA is the heartbeat of our business. It is what keeps us alive and helps differentiate our business from the competition – whether that is competing for talent or competing for new work.

DNA gives our employees a shared sense of purpose and an understanding of how their behaviours need to align to the business. It enables more engagement and provides motivation and clarity. It enables employees to feel a part of something greater, creating employee satisfaction, loyalty and a commitment in people to do their best. Businesses with a strong DNA is able to inspire its employees; such employees are more productive and innovative as a consequence.

Having the right DNA, that is fully embedded, is key to retain talent. Our employees become our biggest advocates – their passion and enthusiasm for the business will become infectious and through that you will find ways to attract the top talent. In the same way that great products sell themselves, great people with a passion for the business will attract potential positive outcomes.

It also gives customers a sense of the business we are and how they can do business with us. It allows them to understand what we stand for and, more importantly, feel it through every interaction they have with us. It enables us to attract like-minded customers, who share our principles and beliefs which in turn is likely to lead to longer-term and more fruitful relationships. In a services industry, people buy from people so ensuring that our people reflect who we are as a business is crucial.

Finally, having a defined DNA aids better communication both internally and externally – it allows consistency of message, clarity of purpose, and values that resonate with the target audience. This creates authenticity and trust with our customers, potential customers as well as employees.

The fact that our people demonstrate our DNA – that we are consistent, we are all aligned to our ‘Why’ and our behaviours demonstrate it, is a huge indication that we have got it right!

Usually the best businesses are founded on the basis of the personal WHYs of the founding members – their beliefs, their passions, their principles – it’s the reason a lot of businesses start up, not just to capitalise on a market opportunity but that strong belief that they can build a better business than already exists. 

We can come up with all the adjectives in the world to describe our DNA but our actions always speak louder than words. Every action we take and every decision we make needs to be fully aligned.